Is Your Son Having a Hard Time Learning to Read? This May Be Why!!

Is your son struggling with Reading? I know many boys do struggle, so your son is certainly not unusual… unfortunately.  I just read the most fascinating article from about boys and their movement. Apparently, based on a study by the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, the less children move the more likely they will struggle with reading!! This may explain why boys are struggling!


You mean those boys who were just diving off the couch and running full speed to the bathroom just to  see who can get there first are actually in the process of training their brain to read with all the movement?

Yes! Apparently so!

And on top of that, it wasn’t just reading, math was impacted too.

This is just more fuel to tell us homeschoolers we do not need nor should we want to mimic a traditional school environment.

Get your children up and outdoors.


Go on exciting field trips! (Here is an article on how to get the most out of homeschool field trips.)

Listen to great books while on the go! (Here are some ideas on how to sneak in more read alouds.)

Color! (Here is a great article on how to homeschool with coloring books!)

Write spelling words in the sand. (Here are five ways to make spelling fun.)

Add at the grocery store with items in your cart. (Are you anxious about math too? Here is an article to help you … and your child master math anxiety!)

Take nature walks and discuss what you see. Create scavenger hunts for your walks. (Here are a bunch of ideas and printables for scavenger hunts!)

Really experience and enjoy the freedoms of homeschooling! (Homeschooling gives us the freedom to follow our children’s interests.)

Ironically, sitting for long periods of time without moving much didn’t seem to have any effect on girls’ ability to learn! Maybe this explains why girls have been excelling so much in a more traditional environment where boys struggle!

To read the article and study, click over to the article on

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