
You CAN Homeschool an ADHD Child

Oh how I thought I might lose my mind! My son had been working on his math for 1 1/2 hours, and he was only on problem #5……of 50!! Yes, that’s right. He had been sitting at his desk for 1 1/2 hours and was only on problem #5. I was only 23 years old at the time, had little experience teaching, and was equipped with only my love for him. Was that enough to be successful at homeschooling my special needs child?

The school’s best recommendation was to medicate my ADHD child.

My husband was in the military, and we had moved earlier that year. I was hoping things would be different at our new duty station. But they weren’t. At school, my son either sat there not doing his work or spent his time disrupting the other kids. It’s not that he was a bad kid; he just couldn’t focus. Of course I felt horrible! I could see that the current model for public schooling just wasn’t working for my son. He needed extra time and more structure.


This is a photo of my son and me together just as he reached kindergarten age. I had no idea of the road ahead.

Because I was not an experienced teacher, I really believed that the “experts” knew what they were doing and would do a better job of teaching my child than I could. At first, I gave them a chance and sent my son to school. Because of his problems, they asked me to put him on Ritalin. He was on Ritalin for a year. While it did help his school performance, I began to see side effects that concerned me deeply. He couldn’t sleep at night. He was never hungry and began to lose weight. He was overreacting to minor stresses and fears. I decided I had to take him off the medicine.

Experts don’t know everything about your child.

Sad but true, it seemed all the schools cared about was classroom management. They did not love my child the way I did. I wanted my child to succeed, but I also wanted him to be healthy. So I decided to take him off medication and homeschool. I can literally remember sitting  in the psychiatrist’s office as he basically told us that, if we didn’t medicate our child, he would never feel successful. But something inside me knew there had to be another way. Now keep in mind there was not yet much research on ADHD. This was about 17 years ago! I had to believe in myself and trust my heart that I could do this!

That’s when the real journey started. I began to educate myself and learn about other forms and methods of education from Charlotte Mason to Classical. I read books on Attention Deficit Disorder and talked to other homeschoolers about their curriculum. I learned by trial and error what worked for us and what didn’t. Eventually I was able to design the learning goals and curriculum to meet his needs and interests while setting the right pace. As I adapted my methods, things became less stressful. It wasn’t perfect by any means. In fact, it was especially tough because I had so much to learn.

Homeschooling was the right decision.

Looking back now it’s easy to see that homeschooling was the right decision. I had the right reasons for homeschooling him. It really ensured that he didn’t fall through the cracks. The extra time I spent working with him one-on-one required him to do the appropriate amount of work. We could take extra time on areas where he needed work and accentuate his gifted areas too! The time I gave him showed him how much I cared. I was able to discipline him and apply consistent behavioral modification methods. Over time he was able to develop life skills essential for success.

Later on I realized he was exceptionally smart and gifted. It was hard to see that right off because to me he was just the way he was. In fact, had he never been in public school, I probably would have never known he was “ADHD.” The symptoms would have been there…the inattention, impulsive behaviors, and struggle with follow through with tasks.  But to me, he was always just a typical boy.

It's hard to believe that so long ago I worried for the future.
It’s hard to believe that so long ago I worried for the future.

Today my ADHD child is a college graduate who got his BS in Network Security in 2.5 years and is feeling quite successful on his own. I am not saying that it wasn’t a struggle at times; it certainly was. Some days were just bad ones where we really didn’t get a lot accomplished. On those days, the lessons were about love, patience, family, and accepting imperfection in our lives. But learning that I was the biggest expert on my own kids, because I love them, was the most important lesson I learned! I may not have a degree or certificate saying that I succeeded. And I don’t know everything. I made lots of mistakes along the way. But everything turned out OK because that’s where the love part came to the rescue. I will never regret those days of struggle, the times I feared it wouldn’t be enough, and the days when I just wanted to give up!

Homeschooling a child with ADHD is tough. But it is possible if you are willing to work hard, be dedicated, and balance your personal life with the responsibility you have taken on. It’s hard to see 10 years ahead how it will all turn out. Be flexible, seek resources to aid you, and believe in yourself! If you’re the mom of an ADHD kid, hang in there! You CAN  do it! And later on, it will have all been worth it.

Are you looking for more articles to help you homeschool your ADHD child? 

how to homeschool a child with ADHD Help for Kids with ADHD is an article that shares information about treatments that are available to children (and parents!) who have ADHD or who suffer from anxiety, autism, auditory or sensory processing disorders, dyslexia, depression, brain injuries, and more.


how to homeschool a child with ADHD

Do you wonder if you should homeschool (or continue homeschooling) your child who has ADHD? This article shares 10 Really Good Reasons to Homeschool Your ADHD Child. You may not have thought of some of these reasons to homeschool, and we hope it encourages you to hang in there!


how to homeschool a child with ADHD If you’d like some practical suggestions for things to do to make homeschooling your child with ADHD easier and more effective, this article will help. How to Homeschool a Child with ADHD shares ideas and information that you can implement starting right now.

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  1. This brought me to tears because I am always trying to convince myself that I am doing the right thing. Not only does my son have ADHD but he is a slow learner. He’s 12 but still at the 3rd grade level and still uses blocks for a very simple addition problem and reads very slowly. But I will not give up! I just can’t find it in my heart to send him to school even though my inlaws are all educators and tell me that he NEEDS to go to school. I don’t know maybe I just want to prove them wrong but I know God has put this in my heart and He will bring me through it, tears and all! Thank you for sharing

    1. Oh Cecilia,
      Homeschooling special needs kids is hard. May you be strengthened and keep doing what YOU feel is right-whatever that may be. I am so glad I could encourage you today. Keep seeking resources and materials to aid you in teaching your son. Know that you are not alone and seek out other homeschoolers who struggle with this as well. You also need a support system. Hang in there and never give up..our children are worth all the days of worry, struggle, and down right fatigue. Blessings to you.

      1. Cecelia, I’m assuming you have had your son formally diagnosed with ADHD. I say that because it sounds like there’s something else going on there too. My son has ADHD and ODD; but struggles hard in math.

        1. Diane Buell — my son is 10.5 and was just diagnosed w/ combination ADHD and ODD. Really struggling here for years now, but we always get affirmation that we’re supposed to continue to homeschool. It’s a rough road 🙂

    2. I think I am n the same boat as you. My 13 yr old son is the same, adhd and slow learner. He is n the 7th grade but is doing 3rd and 4th grade math. Awe keep trying new ways to help him with math because I now God wants me to keep him at home.

    3. My child is now 16 with a part time job and way behind in education. I just want him to learn and graduate. He’s also very stubborn. He’s actually our grandson we are raising. I can tell he wants to learn but overwhelmed. Thank you Debbie

  2. I am currently homeschooling my sons, both with ADHD. My oldest is 16 and my youngest is 12-1/2. Some days I wonder if it wouldn’t just be easier to send them back to school. I might save some of the hair I pull out trying to teach them. Then a mom like you, who has been there, done that, and succeeded comes along to remind me that is all so very much worth it. Thank you!!!

    1. You are so welcome! I know what you are going through because I have been there. Remember that this is a marathon and just take things a day at a time. Kinda like having to take one problem at a time;)

  3. I homeschool my ADHD son. I actually had a doctor recommend it since my son couldn’t be medicated because of a heart condition. We struggle and we have good days and bad days but we are into our 3rd year. He might be a little behind but he is much happier being home.

    1. Yes and so much healthier too. Though the day to day can be a struggle, it really was for us much of the time, over all now I can look back and see how good it was. Just pace yourself. God bless you.

  4. Wow! This article came at the perfect time! My daughter has been struggling through school the last three years. They diagnosed her with ADHD in 1st grade and have been working to find the right medicine and dosage since. I feel like she is falling through the cracks because she starts to improve towards the end of the school year so they go ahead and advance her. Each year she gets further behind. I never even considered home education until just a few months ago because I was getting no where with the school. After much research, I feel that this is the best option for her. I go back and forth on my abilities to teach her. Thank you for this encouragement! I know it won’t always be easy, but I know this is what is right for my girl.

    1. Jackie, You got what it takes. I know homeschooling is daunting at first and later it is a challenge to maintain. But I see in you the love you have for your child. You DO have the ability. You don’t have to know everything to get started. You will learn as you go what works and what doesn’t. You CAN homeschool your ADHD child! I never planned on homeschooling my kids, it was because of this child that I now homeschool. All things work together for a reason. Now I can’t imagine not homeschooling.

  5. It is certainly a journey. We were overwhelmed with our eldest when we began homeschooling. She was “diagnosed” off the charts ADHD. Now, I had taught in public schools, and I had seen some kids who had some problems, and I didn’t think my daughter fit that mold. We tried meds. She stopped eating as a side effect. She was scrawny as it was! We tried therapy, but the secular humanist therapists just told us to put her in school and not discipline her at all. We tried that for one month and pulled her back out. We changed our diet to all natural and added cod liver oil. We practiced Biblical parenting and heart training. She’s come so far. We’ve come so far as a family. God is good. She’s 12.5 and doing high school work!

  6. Thank you for sharing your success story about homeschooling your ADHD son. My son too has ADHD, along with OCD and anxiety. We are currently homeschooling him through 7th grade. He seems to be doing well so far. My biggest problem is remembering to ‘take a chill pill’! Ya know what I mean!?

    I know that looking back someday he will appreciate the work that my husband and I do for him and he will l be a better man for it!!

  7. Tears! Thank you so much for this! We have such a similar story and to see your son older and successful gives me great hope! I’ve been feeling inadequate this year, that my expectations are way too high, and things need to change in our day. This is our 2nd year home schooling using Classical Conversations and my son loves it. We struggle with math, reading, and writing. We are trying new things this year and I’m not giving up!! Hoping I, too,am able to look. Back when he’s 17 at all our hard work and see the fruits of our labor!

    Thank you!

  8. Thank you so much for this! Similar story here…we are just beginning our journey and I constantly question our decision to homeschool. Your testimonial helped me a lot tonight. Thank you again!

  9. Love the truths here. So thankful to have my now 6th grade daughter home with me. Blessed to be able to give her and my other children, exactly what is needed. 🙂 Always nice to hear I’m not the only one!

  10. I love your article. We eased into homeschooling with my oldest three years ago, brought my middle two home last year, and my youngest this year. My youngest three have mild special needs (1 with diagnosed ADHD, expressive/receptive language disorder, possible learning disability, speech, OT needs, etc., 1 with sensory disorder and expressive language disorder, and my youngest has expressive language disorder, speech, and possible ADHD – starting to show symptoms like her big sis, and undiagnosed dyslexia). In this mix, my oldest is TAG. Some days are harder than others, but we keep working at it.

    1. It was wise of you to ease into a homeschool lifestyle, slowing integrating each child into the mix. With the ability to tailor each child’s program to meet their needs, homeschooling offers flexibility and an ideal learning plan specific to your children.

  11. I have seen the great success parents have over schools with their child’s education. I worked in a state sponsored charter school with homeschooling parents for 4 years and always told my families that they were the experts when it comes to knowing what is best for their child. We were the resource contact for the parents, but they did all the teaching and assessing. The hardest thing was hearing all the stories of how the schools neglected the basic needs of all these gifted students just because they were diagnosed with learning disabilities.

  12. Oh man, I am with Cecilia on this one. Your story brought me to tears.
    Today was one of those pull my hair out kind of days (this is our first month of homeschooling) and I needed to see that it can be done.
    Your story was just what I needed to read tonight. Thank you.

  13. Thank you so much, my son has been diagnose with ADHD when he started kindergarden, he is now in the 3rd grade. He gets into trouble for every little thing. I’m not saying that he is not a handful, because he truly is, but once the other kids know that he can get into trouble very easy, they will provoke him, and my son is not comprehending that his actions causes consequences. I tried meds, but it causes him also not to eat, and hard to sleep. I am now thinking about homeschooling him, i’m just second guessing myself. But reading your story and eveybody else, makes me feel that i’m truly not alone, and YES I CAN DO THIS!!! SO THANK YOU ALL FOR GIVING ME HOPE THAT I CAN HELP EDUCATE MY SON!!!!:0)!!!!

    1. I’m glad Stephanie’s article encouraged you! I also homeschool 2 kiddos who have ADHD, and it’s great to know that I’m not alone in my struggles. It’s not easy to homeschool these kids, but it definitely can be done with love and patience!

    2. Hi there. My 8yo son is ADHD and I am thinking about homeschooling too next year. I wanted to say that I am very scared too and mainly bc im not a teacher. But one advantage we have over teachers is that we know our children better then anybody. With that being said, I have learned in my research, that bc we know our kids best, creating a personalized curriculum for them is best. Rather then signing them up for k12 or any other program. There are websites like xl1 they can be signed up with to help with certain subjects. Just so your not doing ALL the work 🙂 Good luck!

  14. Thank you all for sharing, son is very ADHD nothing seems to be working, therapy, pills, “cooling off time” I get a call almost every day. I decided I will start homeschooling him, I am very scared, I pray God gives me the wisdom I need to do it, I am also leaving my job so is hard, but I know it’s worth it! Thanks for sharing feels good knowing I’m not the only one.

    1. Abagail, you are not alone. You are in good company. I wish you confidence as you follow what you feel is the right thing to do for your child. What a good mom you are to give up a job and more because you want to best educate your child! It won’t be easy but keep trying new methods and approaches until you find what works for your son, and don’t be afraid to change those methods as time goes on. God bless you!

  15. I was convinced I was reading about my life, when I read your story. We have very similar stories. My 8yo son was diagnosed with ADHD at 6. Since then, public school has been harsh. When he “was” on meds he did very well in school, but just like your son, the terrible side effects were not worth it. He is such a happy child but on pharmaceuticals, his side effects consisted of not eating, anger, stress, agitation, and it was like wwIII in my house trying to do homework. He was on adderall for a year. I tried every dose combination known to man and always had the same results. The Drs advice was to put him on another medicine to help him come off his adderall easier, but then there would be other side effects to worry about. I just couldn’t do it. Now he has been off meds for 3 weeks and is on a natural substance called synaptol. It works a little but not enough to keep him up with the high standards of our school district. I’m worried he will fall behind more if I don’t do something quick. He has a 504 plan but it doesn’t seem to be enough for his school. I’m really considering homeschooling him next year if the school and I can’t come up with a solution. I’m completely new to it and am just starting my research.

    1. Shayna, if you’d like to ask specific questions and get some feedback and ideas from the HHM team members or from our audience, please visit us on Facebook. 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/hiphomeschoolmoms There you can send us a PM which we can then either answer for you or repost on our wall (so more folks will see it) for other moms to give suggestions.

      Also, it’s great that you’re starting to research now so you’ll be ready by this fall if you decide to homeschool! Plenty of time to plan will help you feel more ready for the school year. Just keep in mind that you don’t have to try to keep up with what he would have been learning in school or with other homeschoolers, etc. It’s much better to work on whatever level he’s capable of and move at a pace that comfortable for him. You want him to begin to feel more confident in his abilities and not to feel rushed or stressed. It will also help you not be so stressed too!

  16. I am also a 23 year old mom and although I grew up homeschooled, the same methods my mom used are NOT working with my son. My son, although not diagnosed, I have come to the conclusion has to be ADHD. His birthday in September, so I decided to hold him back until he was six since he was very behind and had no interest in school whatsoever. So this year he was 6 and I started at the very beginning. ABCs, numbers etc it took him a while and then we started in on sounds, phonix, writing and basic addition and subtraction. The frustrating thing about it is that some days he does great and remembers everything. Other days I ask him what’s this letter and it’s sound and he just tells me he doesn’t remember or he’ll say the wrong sound and insist that yes that’s the right one. At first I thought he was being a punk and disciplined him, but he gets so frustrated when I say, yes you do – he absolutely insists he does not know. He can’t sit still for more than 2 minutes and is always making gibberish sounds and tries to guess at everything. He is STILL counting on his fingers – and today he just discovered that he has always had 5 fingers on each hand and that together they make 10. I never even knew that was an issue. He can count to 100, but when I ask him to identify a number he will say 5-3, instead of 53 and today when I tried to teach him the concept of greater than and less than he had no idea what was bigger or smaller… I really don’t know what to do. I don’t want to take him to a doctor and put him on medication – but I feel like I’m going to lose my mind some days and on top of it all I’m due here with our second son in just a couple weeks… I don’t understand – I go over the same things every day consistently, yet some days it’s like he knows absolutely nothing. I will take any advice at this point.

    1. Laura, I’m sorry you’re having such a difficult time! If you’d like some suggestions, please visit our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/hiphomeschoolmoms) and send us a PM. Then either the HHM team members can make suggestions, or we can ask our audience to make suggestions for you. You also might want to mention if he has this kind of trouble in all subjects or just math. My daughter was an early reader, but she was very slow to catch on to math. She was in 3rd grade and was about 8 years old before we even began doing math on a regular basis. Until then, she just didn’t “get it.” It may simply be that he needs more time and maturity before he’s ready to begin formal math instruction. Right now, you might just need to let him experience math in real-life situations such as setting the table with 3 plates, 3 forks, and 3 cups or building a tower with 10 blocks, doing 15 jumping jacks, tossing a ball back and forth 6 times, jumping rope 20 times, etc. Some children are just not ready for more formal instruction in any subect until they are about 9 or 10 years old. One of the best things about homeschooling is that, unless it’s required by law in your state, you can just do more real-life hands-on activities until he’s matured enough for more formal school work. No amount of teaching or medicine will make him more mature. That just takes time. Try to relax, do some hands-on fun learning activities with him, and give him a chance to enjoy his work. That’s FAR more important than trying to teach him particular math concepts or even teaching him to read. If you can back up and allow him to do some fun things and build up his confidence and willingness to learn, he’ll be much better off in the long run!

  17. Hats off to you stephanie….your story really encouraged me.I am mother of 3.5 year old who is diagnosed with severe speech delay and adhd.I plan to home school him but I do not know how to start his day and what all activities to go for…i am just totally confuse…Can you please guide me through

    1. I am happy to encourage you in any way I can. There are many good preschool programs out there that can help you with ideas for getting started with homeschooling. I think reading lots of great classic picture books, songs, and exploratory learning through play is a good way to begin. I like 5 in a Row a great deal because of it’s approach and use of great classic stories with themed units of learning. These are a great way to begin and also build language skills. I am not experienced at all with speech delays but encourage you to seek speech therapy for your child and other possible resources in addition to your homeschooling. Don’t be isolated as you homeschool, continue to seek resources out that will enhance your homeschool program. Keep researching and learning yourself as well and seek out good books and resource that deal with your child’s specific needs.

  18. I am a grandma. I am also a mother of 2 grown boys and both had ADD. I myself had it to a degree so I felt like my life was a circus at times. People just don’t understand how much easier they have it when they don’t have ADD to deal with. I stumbled across your site while looking for craft and art ideas but I was touched by what you wrote. You are right on.
    My kids went to public schools and from kindergarten to fifth grade I always had a parent teacher conference to go to due to lack of attention, hard to stay in seat, pencil always falling on floor, etc…There were IEPS to go over every school year. I remember taking my youngest to sunday school and being told by the teacher he was laughing and talking like Bevis and Butthead. I wanted to die. I NEVER let him watch that show….but my X did apparently. I’ve always been very sensitive and things like this were always happening. I just wanted to cry. Believe it or not he grew up to be a responsible young man that attended a year of college before finding a good job and a very nice girlfriend he has had for 4 years.

    1. Donna,
      Thanks for sharing your story with us. Sometimes we feel like we are the only ones who experience these things when we are going through them. And it can be very discouraging. That is precisely why I have decided to write more about it. I want others like ourselves to know they are not alone and to be encouraged. God bless you. I can see that you are a wonderful mother and grandmother. Now that you look back, I am sure you can see that you did not have things easy- but that you have succeeded!

  19. Thank you SO much for the encouragement. Some days are very challenging to say the least 🙂 It is easy to become discouraged.

  20. Hi,
    My Son is in the same boat, but age 7 at school. He hates school and I am constantly told ‘he hasn’t had a very good day’. I am seriously considering pulling my two children out to travel the world, whilst educating them myself. I am told by the head that this will ‘make things worse’! But what is worse than an unhappy child who is in the wrong learning environment for his needs? 🙁

  21. I also have a 8 year old son who struggles greatly. He has been diagnosed with dyslexia, auditory processing disorder and ADHD. He went to school in kindergarten and wasn’t retaining so I pulled him out to home school for first grade. He still couldn’t retain so I thought it was me. Took him back to public and they put him in third grade due to his age! Not good! It has been a rough year to say the least. Now they want to advance him to fourth even though he is doing second grade work. God keeps laying home school on my heart. These comments give me encouragement I need.

    1. Deanne,
      Most schools tend to place children by age and grade level no matter what. I know that the Lord will lead you in the way to go. Have peace and work with your child when he is home. Continue to discern homeschooling as an option and with time you will know how to proceed.

  22. Thank you, thank you for this! I have been very confident in our decision to homeschool my son, who has ADHD, OCD, and Tourette’s Syndrome. He is flourishing in many ways. At the same time, he still struggles (at the age of 5) with separation anxiety, and getting overwhelmed in group situations. Which seems pretty reasonable to me. But I still doubt myself sometimes. It gets really frustrating to hear everyone from my sister to his psychiatrist say things that imply that learning to function in a group is the be-all and end-all of education. That all his accomplishments with homeschooling are overshadowed by the fact that he has never spent his day at a desk, standing in line, and learning to deal with situations that are currently completely overwhelming. Sometimes it seems like people think that if I just put him in school, he’d suddenly be normal.

    It means so much to me that you wrote this. I know my son is a sweet, smart little boy who is going to have a good future…and a better one because we’re homeschooling…but it makes such a difference to see that someone else has done it!

    1. Robin, I’m so happy to support you. Trust yourself. Maybe you can offer a reply to them that he has some group opportunities even as a homeschooler…art class, sports, co-op time, play time, church activities, etc. Sometimes that helps take of the “edge off” those types of comments and can give you the extra confidence that he does have some social opportunities. And he’s only 5 so up till this point family life has been what he really needs. God bless and encourage you!

  23. I am wanting to homeschool my 5 year old ADHD and ODD child she is on Ritilan right now I want to take her off but she is completely out of control with out it she is mean to her brother, says obscene things, screams all the time, has meltdowns all the time, and she is so hyper, she won’t go to bed that’s one reason I don’t want to put her is school she don’t go to bed til 12 or 1 at night she would never be able to get up for school and when you try to discipline her she runs off thankfully we live on a dirt road. I don’t know what to do to get this bad behavior under control I have checking out different curriculum what have other people tried for there ADHD child thanks

    1. Nicole, if her behavior is that out of control, you may need the help of an expert. You might want to check with your child’s doctor to get a recommendation for someone who can give you help with that. If she refuses to behave or obey, nobody will be able to teach her–whether you homeschool or whether she attends school somewhere. It sounds like you may be looking for a curriculum that will help you get her behavior under control, but I don’t think you’re going to find one that does that. Her behavior will need to be under control before she can learn. That doesn’t mean she has to be perfect, but she will need to get enough sleep and be able to listen and obey in order to learn.

  24. My daughter is 5 and has severe ADHD & severe ODD “no meds”, I changed her diet, limited her tv , set rules and boundaries, and we keep a list and chart for almost everything we do during the day, her behavior has improved tremendously. It’s hard but only if we as parents take it personal, they don’t know what they’re doing but with patience and proper guidance she’ll get there.

  25. My 13 year old also has ADD. We are a military family and have moved around a lot. He has an IEP. We currently live in VA. He had an A/B average last year in 7th grade. After working with him over the summer I am noticing an alarming amount of holes, especially in math. He struggles with reading comprehension and retaining information. He has asked to do homeschool, but I’m worried. VA requires that you submit testing 1 Aug in math and language arts.

    Why this concerns me is that Even though our son got an A/B average, he failed the VA SOL tests (standards of learning). Because of this he is now required to give up his elective class in 8th grade this upcoming year and take a remediation class instead….so basically a class to teach him how to score higher on a test. Even though he knows the material.

    Were you requires to submit test scores for your son? Is so, which test do You recommend? Especially if some subjects are below grade level, this confuses me.

    I have researched some curriculum that I know he will like. I’m just very nervous about pulling the plug yet.

    Thank you for any help you can give!

    1. Kati, you have some good concerns. I know how scarey the idea is at first, especially in a new state. I lived in VA for 3 years. The laws are actually not bad at all. Yes, you do have to send a “report of progress” to your school district yearly in Virginia. However, you can choose the test and you can also administer it yourself. I used the CAT ( California Achievement Test via Seton Testing. ) To see if this may be an option for you, go ahead and order a test and see how he does before you even send your intent to homeschool. It sounds like he has trouble testing but he may do fine with the CAT test as it is set up entirely different than the SOL tests, it may set your mind at ease. That way you understand the test and can see if it’s one he can manage. Next, I recommend that you join HEAV. They are a wonderful resource and can answer many of your questions. Also, do you know that if he has difficulty testing then you can demonstrate progress via another format? Look into that and see what the law states exactly. Here is a quick summary: Option (ii) of the Home Instruction Statute (§22.1-254.1 C) provides an alternative method of meeting the evidence of progress requirement. Alternative methods which have been accepted under option (ii) in the past include:

      Written evaluations stating that the child has made evidence of progress this past year
      Report cards or transcripts from correspondence schools, distance learning programs, or colleges
      A portfolio submitted directly to the school division
      The results of a standardized achievement test which is not nationally normed
      Lastly, when you do decide to do this, and you can if you want to, be sure to join HSLDA and a good local homeschool organization for support. They can answer your questions and give you the support you need. So glad you asked! In Virgina the law sounds very difficult but when you actually break it down it is very easy to do and follow.

  26. Stephanie, can you give suggestions on curriculum? My son has adhd and a little odd. My first year Homeschooling and I end my days in tears. We are using the Abeka Academy accredited dvd program and they are already advanced then his public school. I feel I didn’t lessen his stress much just changed locations. Contemplating non accredited maybe more flexibility? I don’t know that much about home schooling. Unprepard except I love
    my son and trying to help him

    1. Barbara,
      Okay, first I have to say that although Abeka is an excellent program, and it is, it’s very academic and does not allow for the flexibility most ADHD children require. We must balance the security of an accredited program with the ultimate goal to aid our child in meeting learning goals while meeting their special needs as well.
      A structured program did not work for me and my ADHD child. Though he was exceptionally intelligent a traditional program did not accommodate his twice exceptional needs.
      A turning point for me was realizing that I was the teacher and not the curriculum. It will take time for you to gather enough information to feel confident, but you’ll get there.
      Charlotte Mason’s philosophies opened up a whole new world for me. I encourage you to research her methods. 20 min blocks of focused learning at a time. Lots of reading, no twaddle but real engagement. Learn his learning style also. That will be helpful.
      As for curriculum try Teaching Textbooks for math. Do the placement test and put him there. Any curriculum should work for the other subjects, strong in literature. What are his strengths, weaknesses and interests? Write goals for how and in what you want him to progress and let that be your measure of success and not completion of every problem in every lesson plan.
      Go easy and explore learning together.
      Let me know how else I can help and keep asking specific questions if you like.

      1. I also just want to add that the love you have for him and his success is the most important thing and that it is that that will keep you searching until you find the right program for your homeschool.

  27. All of these comments and this discussion is so encouraging. I do not believe we are meant to journey alone, yet having a kid with ADHD, anxiety and LD is isolating. It is really really nice to not feel alone. Thank you.

    Here is a question: I have my child in a coop for science. It is very academic and very fast. She is drowning. I think I should pull her and have my parents do science with her each week. I am thinking of each month, focusing on one scientist and doing experiments based in that person. She is 12 and they are retired MDs. They love her well. Does anyone have any feedback about his?

    1. Heather, I have children with ADHD too, and I think that’s a great idea! We choose not to do co-op classes because it is very hard for my children to pay attention in a classroom full of distractions. It also causes them stress just knowing that they have to keep up or get left behind instead of being allowed to work at a comfortable pace. It’s wonderful that you have parents who are willing to help, and she’ll learn so much more than just science from them!

    2. I think having your parents help is a perfect solution! Trust your feelings Heather. if it isn’t working it’s okay to try something else. Not all co-op are the right fit for every child and family. Blessing to you!

  28. Wow! This I definitely needed to read. My son is 5 years old and I have been through the ringer with the public school system in only the first week of school as a kindergartener. He went to a private pre-school and did better there but still had many issues with behavior and the ability to keep up. Anyway I pulled him out of the public school and applied for a scholarship to send him to a private school but deep down I know that he isn’t ready for the level of learning they do in kindergarten and won’t be able to keep up. I keep telling myself that maybe it’s the school, if they had more aides, smaller classes, more basic curriculum.. he would be successful there. Even though it has been placed in my heart to homeschool him since before he was school age. I just wasn’t sure that I could handle it. So this post is definitely an inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

    1. You are so welcome! We must trust our hearts and be true to them no matter how hard it feels at the time. I felt the same as you and I first also got complaints from the public school when he was in kindergarten. I tried several different schools and it was the same everywhere ( at least for us). Once I resolved in my heart to homeschool for good I started making headway and having some peace- don’t get me wrong though I was challenged daily. But the thing is, I knew I was doing the best for my child and that was what mattered. And in the end, looking back I have no regrets. We just do the best we can with what we are given. God bless you!

  29. Hi my son is 6 years old and he has adhd he is having a lot of problems lately. He es very impulsive he does nocontrol his movements and the teacher is runnin out of patience the only recomendation they gave me is to medicate him. Im thinki of homeschooling him

  30. I can totally relate to this. I pulled my daughter out of public school and started homeschooling her in August. She has ADHD, DMDD and an IQ of 170+. The school wanted her on ADHD meds and mood stabilizers. They also were giving her the ciriculum designed for autistic kids; making her fall a full school year behind. I caught her up over the summer and she is back at grade level, and thriving! It is challenging at times, but worth every minute!

  31. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I pulled my daughter from kindergarten last year. The school wanted her evaluated for ADHD and she was coming home miserable every day. Homeschooling is NOT easy. There are bad days and sometimes it feels like those days will never end. We have had a lot of those days lately. However, there are also wonderful days. Lately, I have really questioned rather I should just call it quits. In my heart I know that homeschooling is what is best for my child but most of our family and friends disagree. As a result, I feel like I have to push her to succeed in order to prove them wrong. On those days where it doesn’t seem like much is being accomplished I get so stressed out that I end up in tears. Thank you for reminding me of the big picture. I now feel refreshed and feel like I have the strength to carry on.

  32. I’m so glad I found this blog. Our daughter is 12 in 6th grade attending a charter school and we need to make a change, either private of homeschool. She was diagnosed in 4th grade with combined ADHD but I suspected it since she was very little, 4 or 5. I originally wanted to homeschool her after preK but my work situation changed and we opted with a small charter school. I changed her diet during kindergarten/1st grade but when she got to 4th grade it was not enough to keep up with the extra school demands. That’s when she was tested and started meds. It was like night and day, not a cure all, but so much better so that she wouldn’t sit for hours trying to get her homework done as I redirect her every few minutes, and helped with many other ADHD symptoms. She is still on meds now in 6th grade but the last couple years have been hard and she has fallen behind in math even after summer tutoring and starting to also fall behind in reading/comprehension per the last school standardized testing. We have looked at private schools and homeschooling has also come up as an option. I now work from home but I’m worried that she and I will bud heads if together all day. She is strong minded and set in her way for a 12 year old and will let you know without hesitation if she doesn’t like or want to do something. I want this to be positive and be beneficial to her. Any suggestions on perhaps a combined schooling environment, online schooling/HS/outside tutors? Thank you.

  33. This was so inspirational for me to read! I have an eight year old son who is ADHD. He is currently in 2nd grade and even though he is doing okay, there are many areas in which he is falling through the cracks so to speak. But not only am I upset to see him falling behind, I am also bothered by the way students are being taught and this alone is one of the reasons I am thinking about homeschooling. They are being taught more and more by a computer and less and less by a real teacher. I am certain homeschooling is the best option for my son but economic boundries have stopped me so far. I am trying hard to make it happen before next school year though. I just want to say great job to all of you ladies for making your kids your priority! We have such a small window of time to make a big difference in their lives. Thank you for all the inspiration.

  34. Hi, I live in New Zealand. My son is 14 now and at the age of 8 was diagnosed as having ADHD.He found it very hard to focus in class and even though he had a very high IQ and knew the work, he just could not sit down and write it down. They put him on Ritalin and the change was amazing. He focused on his work more but became so sad and depressed at the start that he would burst into tears for no apparent reason. The doctors said to stick with it so we did and with a few adjustments to the meds he was a bit better. He didn’t have the medication during the school holidays because he lost weight when he took it. Last Christmas holidays he was less jittery and a little more focused so when he went back to school he and I decided to stop the meds and see if it was any different. I am delighted to say he is still medication free and doing well at school. He is still very fidgety and annoys his sisters no end but we love him to bits. Homeschooling is not as common here but if I was given the option I don’t know what I would have done as my son had trouble socializing ( not any more though.) I have heard that omega3 capsules and Krill oil is awesome for helping kids to concentrate when they have ADHD. Good luck with homeschooling 🙂

    1. I’m so glad to hear that your son is doing well! Thank you for your comment. If you decide to homeschool in the future, we hope you’ll come back for the information and support you need!

  35. Thank you. Your experience brought tears to my eyes. I have boy-girl twins. My son most definitely has ADHD and we are waiting for the evaluation appointment to come up. Kindergarten this year has been more than a struggle, it has been HELL. Today with just two weeks left in the school year, enough was enough and we pulled the plug on school. I’m scared and hopeful to being homeschooling my son who has been struggling so much with public school. So many fights, tears, worries, stress, and more tears. I’m hoping I can do it. I’m hoping for the best…homeschooling is all we have left.

  36. Thank you for everyone’s encouragement and support and stories!
    Did anyone use curriculum, if so which ones worked good for you?

  37. Thank you for this post! I, just yesterday, was telling my husband the things about my middle child (he’ll be 7 in mid Aug) that were “bothering me”. His impulsive tendencies (that happen more often than not) and a whole slew of things that I just don’t want to get into right now. Everything I was telling my husband (who is deployed) , via messaging, had me saying “Oh my gosh, it sounds like he has ADHD. I haven’t been to the Dr to have him diagnosed, but I don’t feel I NEED to at this point. We are going into our 2nd year of homeschooling and I’ve been dreading it with him. Last year, he wore my patience THIN. I thought he was so lazy and only wanted to play games (on the tv/tablet), watch TV, or just play with his Kinex and Legos. He is super smart and catches on quickly, when I am able to keep him focused. Math is always our first subject to do and he would take an hour to 5/6 hours to finish ONE math sheet with not many problems. He knew how to do EVERYTHING. His handwriting is so terrible that I can’t read ANYTHING he writes. I’m researching how to homeschool him so that he and I both will not be so frustrated. He was in public school for Pre-K and Kinder and the things I thought were “normal” behaviors for his age, really weren’t. He would talk when he wasn’t supposed to be talking. He couldn’t keep his hands off of people. It wasn’t by hitting, etc. It was more like he was a touchy person. He’d get up when he wasn’t supposed to. He is a really well behaved boy and is so helpful in so many ways, but he seemed lazy with everything, yet, he’s jumping around, acting like a crazed animal. It’s more like he is excited all of the time.

    I have hope that I can help him without medicating him. I do not want to medicate him!

    1. Oh. My. Word.
      You completely just described my son. Our boys are twins at heart. This is so accurate. My boy is only 5. I had a feeling he was ADHD by the time he was only a year old, but of course, at that age, “He’s just being a baby.” Now that he is 5 I KNOW he is ADHD and I don’t care to receive an official diagnosis either. We are beginning our homeschooling journey THIS WEEK. I am excited, but I know it is going to be a challenge. I just had to say something though because the description of your son couldn’t have been more accurate for mine. Best wishes! <3

  38. I am homeschooling 3 children and my 10 year old (oldest) has every symptom of ADHD but has not been officially diagnosed as I can’t seem to figure out how to get it done if we aren’t part of the public school system. I’m seriously going insane with him and I cry almost every day. I don’t have a clue how to help him focus or gain control over his body and mouth/thoughts. What’s worse is I think I have add because I can’t even think while he’s awake and making his constant mouth/body sounds. His 8 year old sister also struggles with paying attention (I’m thinking add) and my 5 year old is starting officially this year and I have nothing left for her. I hate that he takes all of my time and energy and my girls get little to none of me. My husband gets even less. I find myself constantly disciplining him and hating my life. Where I used to have peace and order there is chaos and disorder. I never used to be a person that yelled but I’m completely out of control sometimes. I feel like he’s ruining our life. I know this isn’t true as God made a point of actually telling me that he was a gift when I found out I was pregnant (now I know why He took such pains to tell me that). I don’t have a support system at all – no family, no close friends, we’re a part of our local homeschool group and have a church but there’s noone who deals with similar issues/noone who can understand. I fantasize about sending him off to boarding school or putting him in a private Christian school but I know they’d have the same problems with him and beyond that I know that’s not what God wants. I feel like I need a break and I feel like I need a support group for mom’s of kids with adhd that are homeschooling. Does such a thing exist? Is there an online support group for homeschooling mom’s of kids with adhd? And am I the only one who is angry that she’s dealing with this issue? I feel like such a bad mom. Is there such a thing as adhd curriculum? Do they ever grow out of this? I truly don’t think he will ever be able to care for himself and I feel like I’m drowning. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated….

    1. I know this is months later but I just wanted to reach out and let you know you are not alone! I have 3 kids and I plan to start homeschooling my 12-yo boy with ADHD in January. We spend hours everyday on homework and I’m practically reteaching him everything anyway (he is failing everything except art), so it’s almost like homeschooling already. My other two are not ADHD and it seems my 12 yo takes all the time and attention just like yours. I totally relate to the chaos!

      As far as obtaining a diagnosis, your pediatrician should be able to get that started. Just a head’s up, my pediatrician wouldn’t just take my word for it; he wanted formal feedback from 2 teachers as well (this was 3.5 years ago). We are just now starting to work with a social worker to learn good organizational behaviors and practices, which wouldn’t have been possible without an official diagnosis. Just something to think about.

      One thing that has helped is getting exercise and playing recreational sports. Getting my son up and moving helps burn off some of his energy and also helps him sleep better which is key. Can you incorporate some “phys ed” into the beginning of your day? I also try feeding him protein-rich foods at every meal. We have not tried gluten-free or anything like that, but I try to avoid standalone carbs whenever possible. This also seems to help.

      Another suggestion is to try to arrange your time so that all your children have one-on-one time with you, and that you also have some alone time (every day, if possible). Trying to work with all three at once sounds like a lot! Are there programs at your local library or church that you could have one or two children attend while you spend time only with your son (and vice versa)? Could you sign your son up for a class? (Mine tried karate and liked it.) Could you bring in a tutor to work with your child here and there? I know it is always hard for moms to find time for themselves, but with “challenging” children like ours, it’s even more important to make sure we replenish our own stamina and mental energy!

      We have tried meds and tried without meds. I encourage you to be open-minded and not reject the thought without discussing it with your child’s dr. I was originally dead-set against medication, but eventually realized it was just making my son’s struggles that much worse. His behavior improved significantly with the medication, which in turn improved his interpersonal relationships with his teachers, classmates, and most of all, at home, allowing him to behave as a “good citizen” of our family and engendering much less hostility from his siblings due to his hyperactivity. With meds, I spend much less time refereeing petty sibling arguments and don’t need to constantly supervise to ensure the house doesn’t get burned down. Unfortunately, the meds don’t seem to have done much to help him academically.

      I hope these suggestions help!

  39. I just decided to start homeschooling my 9 year old daughter. At the moment, I could almost break down and cry, but I’m trying to tell myself to give it time. Your article her was definitely something I needed to read! THANK YOU SO MUCH! My daughter is diagnosed with ADHD but based only on some simplified checklist that doctors and teachers do, reminding me of some magazine questionnaire. I’ve never medicated because she always made straight A’s, (and I’m personally terrified of the meds even though I know they help some people) but she is socially immature – about 2 years behind her peers, and the school would not (or could not) address where she was falling in the cracks academically. I wonder how in the world the child got straight A’s? They were just passing her on through because of some good test scores or something. She wasn’t really learning. She could not be independent and homework consumed hours, pretty much shutting down our household fun and functions after school. Handwriting, absolutely disastrous, hates doing it. Reading, reluctant, and two years of vision therapy are turning out to be a joke… she still has trouble skipping words and getting lost. Spelling falls apart when writing, but not spelling verbally. Math, totally intimidated, hates it, unless she has an ah-ha moment by going slow – then she loves it. IF YOU CAN GET HER ATTENTION. Teachers here don’t have time to offer her anything really one on one, hence, homeschool. We think she may be mild Aspergers too, but the ADHD is really off the charts sometimes. I decided to homeschool because 4th grade is when things change/evolve socially for girls and I could almost smell the future-bullying and/or rejection on it’s way. She’s so oblivious though, that she didn’t fully realize some of the social rejection or snobbery that had already begun. That, on top of the fact that public school claimed they simply don’t have the resources to address what she really needed. Hm.. Thanks. The attempt to have a 504 in place was a joke and not honored.

    Now the reality… we are new to homeschool so I really don’t want to make any early judgements before we fully “de-school” our mindsets and get adjusted to the “how” for our unique learner, but it’s basically a nightmare right now. I don’t deny that she has ADHD… for sure. I see where a teacher wouldn’t have time to deal with that, AND teach 20- some more students too. So what I’m dealing with is the double whammy of my kid has great trouble listening and completing a task, made even more difficult because she’s tired of her mom in her face. No matter how positive and encouraging I am, she’s bored after two seconds if she sees me coming at her with ANY education. I spent a fortune in tailored programs to help me make education FUN… she’s not seeing that. She’s not seeing this is all because I love her so much, but there seems to be an underlying problem with her feeling awful about herself if there’s even one mistake. I have to walk on eggshells to correct her – which is what teaching has to do. I’m almost desperate enough to give her the adderal or ritalin… and I would feel COMPLETE DEFEAT if we did so. Seven years of trying everything natural, with NO cooperation from other family or schools (like gluten free) – I’ve struggled so hard to find a solution to the executive functioning skills and attention… without much success. I would probably cry for days if I knew medication was our only chance of helping our child function. She’s so young and tiny and skinny and a picky eater… would she look anorexic after a while on Ritalin? I’m so scared about our near and far futures. I see that a few weeks into homeschool, I am unable to remedy the issues even with calm, one-on-one attention, even if I have an upbeat attitude and excitement about it. I still can’t seem to reach her. I have no idea if that will change, or if my child is even capable of undoing what public school ingrained in her mind. By the way, we are still trying to repair a very traumatic kindergarten year, that may be at the root of some of her total lack of self-worth. Her teacher said she needed to be assessed and medicated and she really could not stand my child because she wouldn’t sit still and obey… at age 5. My heart, currently, is broken, and I am exhausted. I can’t fix things and I don’t know what to do. If we continue our homeschool commitment, I pray that things will come around so we will find our way to the joy of learning. Again, thank you for your article.

    1. I’m so sorry you’re having such a difficult time! I know you want what’s best for your daughter, and it’s sometimes hard to know what’s best. I do have to say, though, that you shouldn’t feel like a failure or a bad mom if you consider giving your daughter medication. I’m not saying she needs medication since only you and your child’s doctor can make that decision, but I can say that I have a child on the autism spectrum who has ADHD, and medication is a necessity for this child. With time and maturity, I feel like it won’t always be necessary, but I choose to give it for now because, without it, this child is unhappy and overwhelmed. After years of dealing with it and feeling guilty for considering medication, I realized that the negative opinions of others about giving medication to my child should not keep me from doing what was (and is) best for my child. My child is not spaced out or a zombie, nor does the child starve and refuse to eat. It wasn’t an easy decision, but it was the right one for us, and I think parents should have the freedom to make that decision without feeling guilty or like bad parents for making it. Also, I think you need to give your daughter time to have fun with you before trying to “do school” again. She’s only 5 years old, so there’s plenty of time for academics! She may just need a few weeks or months of reading with you, going to the zoo, playing at the park, and other activities that will help her bond with you and give her the chance to have fun and enjoy being a child! I would suggest completely stopping formal academics for a while. There are plenty of learning opportunities for a child so young in everyday life. Play and have fun for a while! It sounds like you both could use a break, and there’s no reason a 5-year-old should be pushed academically. Don’t be so hard on yourself or her, and try not to worry too much about the opinions of others. You are the mom, and you know better than anyone else what’s best for your child.

  40. I HEAR YOU ERIKA…. I really do. Take some deep breathing in, and teach your kids how to do it too! It may only help for a little while, but it’s one of the most effective things I find under such stress. Just try it regularly! Not gonna be the answer to all the challenges in front of us, but it does seriously help.

  41. Hello my name is isabella and I’m a 15 year old in the 10th grade I have ADD and I would love to do home school because reasons of bullying and my attention is getting really bad a lot of people say I can not do it because my parents are not at home all the time but I looked up this home school website that gave me one where a women will come to my house and teach me one on one but I need convincing for my parents to agree with my idea can you maybe help me ??

    1. Isabella, maybe if you discuss it with your parents and show them some information about homeschooling, they will feel better about it. It might be possible to get them to let you try it out for a certain amount of time to see if it works well for you. I think it’s great that you are looking for information to share with your parents! That’s a very responsible way to approach it! Take a look at this article: https://hiphomeschoolmoms.com/2014/05/begin-homeschooling-series/. In it, you will find links to other articles with lots of information about homeschooling. Maybe these will be helpful to you and your parents. We hope so!

  42. This brought tears to my eyes. I found your blog while on Pinterest. I love it. Thank you for sharing your story and knowledge. My kindergarten aged (and ADHD) son and I are beginning our homeschool journey this summer.

  43. I have been struggling with home schooling my 12-13 year old son with ADHD. He’s going to the eighth grade and middle school has been horrid. Between missing homework Incompleted class work and bahviour infractions. I’m at my wits end. My husband and I have been back and forth with the idea of home schooling for this past year and starting September he will be home schooled. But I still get cold feet. Am I prepared? How will I do this? Where do I start? He’s going to hate me? But reading this post has given me support and courage to do what I know is right in my heart. Thank you ladies.

  44. I have seriously been considering homeschooling my 16 yr old daughter who has ADD. I have been struggling with this thought for over a year now. Reading your article has made me realize that this is possible. Thank you for your encouraging words. Reading all the comments has made me realize that I am not alone. Thank each and every one of you.

  45. My husband and I adopted our precious grandson. He is five years old and started kindergarten at a highly successful private school. Within three weeks, we had withdrawn him from the school due to his disruptive behavior and inability to focus on his schoolwork. Two days ago we received a diagnosis of ADHD. I am now homeschooling this beautiful bright little boy. I would appreciate any advice on where to go from here since I am so far out of my depth. In just the short time I have been teaching him, he has already met the end of year standards fo math reading, language, and writing. We have started on the first grade curriculum now. I don’t know how far I should push him. Should I stay on the kindergarten curriculum and just have easy learning days? Should I teach him to learn as much as he is able? He is such a happy loving little boy and I don’t want to do anything that would affect his joy in life and learning. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.

    1. I would move at whatever pace is comfortable for him. If you introduce your first grade curriculum and he is enjoying learning and not feeling too pressured or stressed, I would keep going. If the first grade curriculum is too challenging (though I don’t think it will be), then I would take it easy and move slowly. I found with my own ADHD kids that it was better to keep them challenged (at least a little–but not to the overwhelming point) to keep them from being bored.

  46. Oh my goodness. This article hit home so much!!! I thank you so much for sharing!!!! Our stories are so very similar. I really really needed to read this today. I too, have an ADHD son (as well as a strong willed neurotypical daughter). I pulled them from school in November after trying to make it work from K-3rd grade. Just like you (with moves from state to state) I kept hoping it will change with a new teacher/school/state. And like your son’s trial with medicines, my son’s 6 month trial made him lose weight and he was simply too sick from the side effects to function. Sure. He “paid attention” but he was sickly. So off he went with the meds. More hoping in 3rd grade that it would “get better” with a new teacher but at that first quarter teacher conference when she looked at me with the saddest look and said “How can I help him to pay attention? He is SO bright but he just can’t get it and is falling farther behind.” I pulled him. I would love to say I am loving homeschooling but I am so not. The reason I am on the internet this evening is to find some sort of positive words to keep on going because I am about a day away from putting them back in school. I am so burned out with teaching my son and daughter that I have been in tears almost daily. I needed this pep talk that it will be okay and that there is a reason I am doing this. He needs me and my daughter needs me to be strong and not freak out. Again, thanks for sharing your story. It helps so much to hear I am not alone. 🙂

    1. Amy, so glad you found this. Homeschooling special needs children is difficult because parenting special needs children is difficult. In addition, because our children grow and develop the challenges continue to evolve and change. Your love for your children will grow too. You will keep trying new things and continue to educate yourself on teaching methods and how to address your child’s specific needs. Don’t give up, keep researching. Reach out to ALL of the resources available to you. Realize that there are good days and bad days. Sometimes a day just can’t be “salvaged” academically. On those days we mostly went on nature hikes, read fun books, broke out on a field trip or did other less tasking educational things- because our children are always learning. Keep lessons short and sweet to a focused 20 min and then move on. Hang in there, be confident. Try something new, adapt the program and make the learning about learning, not volume. God bless you. You have friends here to support you!

  47. After much contemplating about whether or not to homeschool my son, who was diagnosed with ADHD, I finally prayed and ask the Lord what to do. He said to homeschool my son, so here I am. My son also is strong willed, and does not like people to insult his intelligence, lol! I took him off his meds. toward the end of May of this year, and he has gained a nice amount of weifht, and doesn’t look sickly more, and his moods don’t shift anymore, which is a plus. He was ending the 2nd grade when I had infoemed them, thatvhe was off his meds., and that I was trying alternative natural supplements for him. About one week later I was calles back in for another IEP meeting, and his teacher spreading out his 5 point sheets, pointing out all that he had done that week, and I told them I’m not putting him on meds. again, and that I felt pressures to put him back on, and that he was being forced to fit in a box that he didn’t fit in. After that I was just done. I cancelled his case manager, who has adhd herself, and takes meds., I cancelled the therapist who subscribed the meds., and I’m now in the process of writing letters informing the school superintendent that he won’t be coming back. At this point I have just had enough of people telling me what I should do with my child, the child/gift that God has entrusted me with. I know this is going to be a journey for us both, but I know we are going to get thru this with the Lord’s help. I also thank you for writing on this, because it is very encouraging. To those who are struggling at times with their decision to homeschool your unique and gifted child, please don’t give up, “Greater is he that is in you, than he who is in the world”! Be ENCOURAGED!!??????

    1. I’m so glad Stephanie’s article encouraged you! I have a severely autistic daughter, and I brought her home to homeschool for some of the same reasons you are homeschooling your son. My daughter does take medicine (which I think some children truly need), but I think it’s wonderful that your son can do well without it. 🙂 Thank you for your comment!

  48. I have never been so inspired in my life. I thought I was all alone in this world, I thought I was the only mom struggling with my kid, but I know now I’m not.
    Thank you for sharing your experience with us, I can look ahead without fear, I know my son will be fine.

    1. Oh, bless your heart!! There are many of us homeschooling ADHD kids now days! You definitely are not alone! I wasn’t the person who wrote this article, but I’m one of the owners of Hip Homeschool Moms, and I homeschool a child with ADHD. I also homeschooled a child with severe autism and another with Asperger’s (although they are 22 and 20 and have both graduated). You may be interested in joining our private Facebook group where you can get information and ideas and support from lots of other moms who are homeschooling. Many moms in the group homeschool students with special needs of all kinds. To apply to join the group, just go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/HipHomeschoolMomsCommunity/. Thanks so much for your comment! ~Wendy

  49. Thanks for sharing! After trying two schools in one year… one not challenging enough academically and another just focusing on “classroom management”…we’re taking the leap to homeschool! What to do with a smart, energetic boy – let him know he’s smart and new adventures are waiting for him.

  50. I just finished a very rough day of homeschooling my boys—one of which is ADHD. This article gave me hope and helped me feel like I’m not alone or a bad mother/teacher. We can do this!

  51. My kiddo is 10 and diagnosed ADHD. He is brilliant (off the charts with reading) and gets A’s and B’s. The problem is, I feel like I have to medicate him just so he can function in school. I don’t medicate him on the weekends. Tried a few times this year without the meds at school and he landed in the principles office three times. Have a parent teacher meeting tomorrow. Have been looking into homeshcooling for a while and trying to figure out when is the right time to start. I’m a little anxious about it. The other thing he is struggling with is an obsession with distroying socks and clothes. He seems anxious and cannot stop. Anyone else have experience with this?

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