Homeschool: I Went, Not Knowing Where I Was Going

There’s a great verse in Hebrews in the Bible that refers to the awesome faith of Abraham. The verse reads, “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place . . . obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” Honestly, that is a terrific description of my life, but particularly when it comes to homeschooling.

When my daughter approached us about homeschooling at the end of her sixth grade year, I laughed. “I am not a homeschool mom.” I told her we would pray about it. The very next morning she said she had prayed about it and God said, “Yes!” Funny, God was not that quick to respond to me. But over the course of the following weeks, God softened my heart and I felt like He was calling us to do this thing called HOMESCHOOL.

I went, not knowing where I was going.

I was scared. To. Death. Seriously. I have a Master’s degree and my husband has a doctorate, but neither of us felt adequate to teach our daughter. I don’t fare too well on the show, Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? so I knew that seventh grade math would be a stretch for me. Thankfully, I had some dear friends who homeschooled their children who prayed for me and encouraged me.

I went, not knowing where I was going.

I took the huge plunge and ordered curriculum. As soon as we received the big box of stuff, my daughter and I tore into it and began to peruse everything. I pulled out the lesson manual and began to read the instructions. The detailed curriculum kept referring to a “learning guide,” so I looked in the box for this very important tool. After searching for a while, I realized that the “learning guide” was me!

Yes! I went, not having a clue where I was going.

Scared, clueless, and frustrated at times, I have kept going. And along the way of this adventure, I have experienced:

  • • The joy of spending valuable time with my teenage daughter.
  • • The fun times of field trips and various learning experiences with other homeschooling families.
  • • The thrill of watching my daughter discover and develop talents of singing and acting – things she did not have time to pursue before homeschooling.
  • • The laughter of realizing my lack of knowledge when it comes to seventh grade science.
  • • The excitement of seeing my daughter truly learning . . . not memorizing and regurgitating material.
  • • The release of stress because I didn’t have to worry about girl drama, homework, unnecessary projects, and busy work of a middle schooler in public school.
  • • The peace that comes with the flexibility of homeschooling when BOTH of my parents required cancer treatment during the school year.
  • • The affirmation that this was exactly what I was supposed to be doing.
  • • The words, “Mom, I want to homeschool again next year.”


The family celebrating my daughter's leading role

So, yes, I have indeed obeyed and gone, not knowing where I was going. The road has been rocky and twisty at times. There have even been times I wanted to quit and turn back to perhaps an easier path. But this journey has taught me that I don’t have to have a clear destination or even a GPS. I just need to follow the One who is leading me and enjoy the ride along the

Kelli Wommack passionately identifies herself as a child of God. She is the wife of a loving, funny, yet quiet man and the mother of two loving, funny, and not so quiet children. She recently added “Homeschool Teacher” to her busy roles of wife, mom, speaker, writer, and minister. In her spare time, she enjoys frappacinos, frozen yogurt, and friends. She writes about her faith journey on her blog, Living for ONE. You can also connect with her on her Facebook page, or Twitter.

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  1. Thanks for writing this. With a six year old, three year old, and sixteen month old baby some days it is difficult to keep perspective!

    1. hang in there, Marissa! It helps me to try to see my children the way that God sees them…changes my heart every time!

  2. Kelli,
    This post is so encouraging to me. I am beginning this journey now. My son is 12 and is completing 6th grade in public school. I am scared out of my mind and to be totally honest I don’t really want to give up my “me time”. Whatever that is, lol. However, slowly God is changing my heart and the more I research the option the more excited I am getting. Thanks for sharing what you have experienced ( I got teary eyed reading it). God is good and knows better than I do. This is just another step in living out my faith, fully and completely dependent on HIM. Can’t wait to see where God takes us!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Genevieve, don’t feel bad about worry about being able to homeschool and giving up your “me time” once your son is at home full time! We all sometimes worry that we won’t do (or aren’t doing) a good job. If we are following God’s direction by homeschooling and we are doing the best we know to do, I believe that God will make sure our kids get what they need. Also, having your child home 24/7 is an adjustment! As you get used to it, I really think you will like it more and more. I often think about the little things I get to do with my kids because they are home. We have more time to read together, take walks, cook together, chat, and even work together. I do occasionally think how much easier it would be if my kids were in school (sorry! just being honest!), but I’m very blessed to be home with my kids and (most days!) wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂

    2. oh, the “me” time becomes “we” time a lot! But I think about the fact that when I only have five more years before she is in college and then I will have more “me” time than I need!
      I will say that it is important for you to find a friend or family member that you can leave him with occasionally for you to still get out and have some time for yourself…you will be a better mom and teacher because of it!
      Glad you are taking this step of faith, God will lead you. please feel free to contact me via my facebook page or twitter if you need encouragement!

  3. LOL I have read so many articles about homeschooling in the past two months. I feel like I should, but am sure that it is not sensible for my family. I have 11 adopted children. I am treading water at best most days. I have MS and severely tired all the time. Yet, I can’t let it go…just wish God would give me one of those “and the sea parted…” moments so I could say, yes…lets do this. I adopted our last group of 7 siblings sure that was what God wanted me to do. Now I wonder….did I wreck my kids’ lives?
    putting my life preserver on, just in case and so happy for you!!

    1. Bless you, Holly!
      No, you did not wreck your children’s lives!!!! You have enhanced their lives…trust God to show you the way. Remember that those kids are His anyway…you are just a steward. He desires for you and them to have abundant life! You are a great mom!

  4. Great article! Though I don’t have a homeschooler, I am inspired by your perseverance and tenacity…and honesty. Good reminder for us all to just follow the One who is leading us and to enjoy the ride! What a cool mom you are!

    1. thanks, Brooke…now if you can just convince my kids i am cool! 🙂 I appreciate your reading!

  5. It is such a comfort to hear that others don’t quite feel as though they are up to the challenge also. Homeschooling can be kind of scary! Sometimes we just need a gentle reminder that all will be well until we get to a point where we feel we are doing okay.

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